Artigos científicos

SANTOS, A., MAIA, P., JACOB, R., WEI, H., CALLEGARI, C., FIORINI, A. C. O., SCHAEFFER, R., SZKLO, A. (2024) Road conditions and driving patterns on fuel usage: Lessons from an emerging economy. Energy. Volume 295, 2024

WEI, H., CALLEGARI, C., FIORINI, A. C. O., SCHAEFFER, R., SZKLO, A. (2024) Technical and economic modelling of last-mile transport: A case for Brazil. Case Studies on Transport Policy. Volume 16, June 2024, 101219

FONTE, C., SILVA, G., IMPÉRIO, M., DRAEGER, R., COUTINHO, L., CUNHA, Bruno S. L., ROCHEDO, P., SZKLO, A., SCHAEFFER, R. (2023) Repurposing, co-processing and greenhouse gas mitigation – The Brazilian refining sector under deep decarbonization scenarios: A case study using integrated assessment modeling. Energy. 13 July 2023.

FIORINI, A. C. O., ANGELKORTE, G., MAIA, Pedro Luiz, BERGMAN-FONTE, C., VICENTE, C., MORAIS, T., CARVALHO, L., ZANON-ZOTIN, M., SZKLO, A., SCHAEFFER, R., PORTUGAL-PEREIRA, J. (2023) Sustainable aviation fuels must control induced land use change: an integrated assessment modelling exercise for Brazil. Environmental Research Letters. 12 January 2023

PEREIRA Jr, A., MORAIS, Rafael C., CUNHA, Bruno S. L., GUTIERREZ M. B. G. P. S., MENDONÇA, J. C. (2023) Allocative Efficiency towards Energy Transition: The Cases of Natural Gas and Electricity Markets. Energies, 10 January 2023.

ROCHEDO, P. R. R., FRAGKOS, P., GARAFFA, R., COUTO, L., BAPTISTA, L. B., CUNHA, Bruno S. L., SCHAEFFER, R., SZKLO, A. (2021). Is green recovery enough? Analysing the impacts of post-Covid economic packages. Energies, v. 14, p. 5567.

GARAFFA, R.; CUNHA, Bruno S. L.; CRUZ, T.; BEZERRA, P.; LUCENA, A. F.; GURGEL, A. C. (2021). Distributional effects of carbon pricing in Brazil under the Paris Agreement. Energy Economics, 105396.

TEIXEIRA, R.; BRANCO CASTELO, David; SZKLO, A. (2021). Adding flexibility to petroleum refining through the introduction of modular plants? A case study for Brazil. Energy Sources Part B-Economics Planning and Policy, v. 16, p. 617-637, 2021.


MORAIS, Rafael C., PADILHA, M., BELLIDO, M., PEREIRA Jr, A., CASTELO BRANCO, David (2022). Energy storage for photovoltaic power plants: Economic analysis for different ion-lithium batteries. Energy Storage, 9 june 2022

DRAEGER, R., CUNHA, Bruno S. L., MÜLLER-CASSERES, E., ROCHEDO, P., SZKLO, A., SCHAEFFER, R. (2022) Stranded crude oil resources and just transition: why do crude oil quality, climate ambitions and land-use emissions matter. Energy, 124451.
